I have just launched my Patreon.
And I am looking for someone to share in an adventure.Â
Becoming a Patron of mine will help fund these Ongoing Projects…
The Farmer and the Fald - My first self-published novella. The story of a humble farmer and his daughter in a land of dragon’s and deceit. It was published December 2021, and is available here for purchase as an eBook or in print. I am currently re-editing the manuscript, with the novel’s Second Edition being released late February 2023.
A Month of Brambles - My current WIP. A (sort of) sequel to The Farmer and the Fald. Set within the same universe. The King has died on crusade, and the ragged crusaders that followed with him must now choose to stay in a foreign land and fight for the glory of a King now dead, or admit defeat and begin the long journey home. I have been typing away at this now for a few months, having stacked up 12,000 words so far, with much more still to come. An extract is available here, for those who are curious.
The Faerfolk’s Edda - My poetry anthology; poems and short stories that describe the creation myths of the elves and their long forgotten gods. This is a side project that I have been chiselling away at for a couple of years, and might well take a couple more. But I love writing poetry, and I love illustrating. And with this project I get to enjoy both. Enjoy some illustrations and extracts here, here and here.
Heartwood - My puppet-musical, and a project very close to my heart. It is the story of a little girl coming to terms with her own grief, as she travels the ‘Heartwood’, a magic forest that manifests within her mind as she lies anaesthetised upon a hospital bed. I wrote and performed this piece for the Edinburgh Fringe back in 2017, the full recording is available here. It has just seen its first international production in New Jersey, from Robbinsville High School, a recording of their production is available here. I am in the process of opening up its license to schools and youth groups across the UK and beyond, and am also seeking the assistance of an orchestrator to help me write up a scorebook to accompany the main book and lyrics.
Substack - And sometimes I rant about politics, mock pop culture and wax philosophy on my Substack, with great interest and yearning to branch into video content on YouTube. But one step at a time. If you’re interested in my articles, you’ll find them all uploaded here.
As my patron you will…
Have early access to all my rough drafts and edits.
Help me decide the subject matter of my articles through polls and suggestions.
Access to a ‘patron-only’ newsletter every month, which updates patrons on my progress.
Be a part of monthly Q&As regarding my work.
My content is all PWYC, and there is no minimum payment required.
If you kindly volunteer to help share in this adventure with me, I will try my darnedest not to disappoint you.
J R Leach